Colour Scheme for CHU de LiIle Schools

temperate · passionate · balanced · pleasant · mild · temperated · moderated · controlled · curbed · regulated · starlet · attractive · controlling · iconic · cool · cold · warm · hot · tawny poignant · burnt · sober · sombre · opaque · translucent · pale · pure · full · fiery · pastel · bright · glossy · mat · venomous · stormy · secondary · complimentary · primary · tertiary · lively · misty · peculiar · clear · deep · crispy · dusty · darker · lighter · brillant · hazy · mushy · rich · solid · raw · beautiful · constant · dusky · striking · tawny · pleasant · marvellous

Keywords and Feel

Colour scheme

/*Just for fun

if (#chuDeLilleSchools == 9) {

greeting = "Good day, our schools use the same theme.";

} else {

greeting = "Check your URL!";



​​​​​​​Organisational chart is also called organigram, organogram, or organisational breakdown structure (OBS). Overwhelmed by its ranking and hierarchical informations, designers may sometimes overlook the original purpose of the O-chart, that is to presenting a team that made up of human beings who love their jobs.

Organisations who seek to shake off the stiffness of their O-charts, may consider re-establishing a new chart with an approachable appeal, for it is capable to truly present their people, ideas and attitudes in the right tone.

Speaking from a personal experience, I can confirm that this is a world-class teaching team to work with!